Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Shakespeares Macbeth - The Tragic Hero - 717 Words

Macbeth - The Tragic Hero Every true Elizabethan Tragedy comes complete with a tragic hero. The tragedy Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, has a perfect example of a tragic hero, otherwise known as Macbeth. A tragic hero must be a man who is great and admirable in various ways. He should be placed in society in such a way that everything he does affects all of the members of his society. A tragic hero should at some point reach the top of Fortune’s Wheel, but land up at the bottom by the end of the tragedy due to the continual change of fate. Macbeth fits the description of being a tragic hero, displaying his strengths, his weaknesses, his tragic flaw, and how influential outside influences are on him.†¦show more content†¦Macbeth feels guilt at the very beginning and very end of the play, contributing to his weaknesses. This weakness is one that benefits Macbeth’s society, but is disadvantageous to his own cause. At the initiation of Macbeth, the title charact er’s plan to murder Duncan is almost overturned due to his own guilt. It gets easier for Macbeth as the play presses on, seeing that he states the succeeding quote: I am in blood Stepped so far in that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er. (III, iv, 168-170) Nevertheless, by the end of the play, the injurious emotion of guilt is established once again. The last thing that makes Macbeth a tragic hero is the fact that he is so easily predisposed by outside influences. His character is made corrupt and immoral initially by the influences of the three witches (â€Å"Macbeth – Tragic Hero†). By telling him that he is to become Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland, his curiosity is stirred as he thinks up ways to achieve this goal (I, iii, 50-55). Macbeth is influenced greatly by Lady Macbeth, as well. Lady Macbeth stimulates Macbeth to act in undesirable and adverse ways. She challenges Macbeth’s manhood at one point by saying the following: Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, Any live a coward inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Shakespeares Macbeth is a Tragic Hero956 Words   |  4 PagesMacbeth is a Tragic Hero  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeares tragic hero is a man of noble birth who falls from a position of honor and respect due to a flaw in his character. He freely chooses a course of action which ultimately causes him suffering and brings him to a fatal end.(Campbell 129) Macbeth is the epitome of a tragic hero who rises high then falls rock bottom to his death. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem - 2453 Words

Child abuse is a worldwide problem needing to be solved. It is seen in powerful pieces of fiction that through themes and actions, it is possible to highlight the wrong in society and therefore can draw action towards the cause. The Bone People is largely based on the family dynamics of the New Zealand people and a large subsection of this family life is focused on the abuse the child, Simon, receives from his father, Joe. The violence in The Bone People by Keri Hulme demonstrates the violent history of child abuse in New Zealand and more specifically, the greater risk of child abuse stemming from the Maori culture. With violence being a central theme of the novel, the author is able to state a claim that speaks out against child abuse. In the novel, we have three main characters: Kerewin Holmes, Joe Gillayley, and Simon Gillayley. Simon is the child, and while we do not know his exact age, he is guessed to be fairly young around the age or ten or eleven. Coming to us as he washes ashore from a shipwreck, Simon’s history is not initially clear and the audience is left to guess his origins. He is mute and often those around him mistake his muteness for stupidity which causes Simon to act out in anger. With a lack of regard for others personal property, Simon also has a tendency to explore places and the homes of others where he may not belong. An older Maori man, Joe, takes Simon in and raises him as his own son after finding him on the shore after the shipwreck. At theShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem1037 Words   |  5 Pagesafraid to go home because of what awaits. Child abuse is a worldwide problem and it doesn’t matter what age, religion, gender, or ethnicity you are, it happens everywhere. It is neglecting, emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment. Child abuse has serious physical and psychological consequences which affect the health and overall well-being of a child. There are different forms of maltreatment, abuse can result in bad consequences, check for signs of abuse, the statistics, and how people can helpRead MoreChild Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem1509 Words   |  7 PagesChild abuse is a worldwide problem. According to the Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, it is interpreted as any recent act of failure to act the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious ph ysical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, which is an action or the failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm. Abuse comes in many forms such as: emotional, physical, sexual, verbal and neglect. Neglect is the failure to care properly; It has been provenRead MoreChild Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem2002 Words   |  9 PagesChild abuse is defined as maltreatment or neglect of a child by a parent or other caregiver that results in potential or actual harm or threats of harm to a child. Child abuse encompasses both acts of commission and omission. The former being abuse, and the latter being neglect (Anim, 2014). Child abuse is divided into four types, first is physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, or burning; sexual abuse; emotional abuse and lastly neglect, which involves the failure to meet a child’s basicRead MoreChild Abuse Is The Worst Thing That Can Be Stopped899 Words   |  4 PagesCentral Idea: Child abuse is generally th e worst thing that can happen to a child, and a country. In Nigeria, there are a lot of people who say that they do not condone it, but in essence, they do. They encourage it even though they claim they do not. This act of wickedness has been the order of the day in this country and people literarily turn deaf ears to it. They pretend it’s not there but it is. My aim is to make my audience see reasons why this is so and how it can be stopped. I. 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This is a horrific crime. Women are more likely to be the victim in domestic violence than men. â€Å"Forty-five percent of all violent attacks agains t female victimsRead MoreLooking at Types of Child Abuse1768 Words   |  7 Pages† This quote is from Dave Pelzer’s novel, A Child Called â€Å"It†. This quote is referring to, the idea that a child should feel like he/ she could do anything in their childhood, without worrying about any problems going on in the world or in his/her parents lives. Child abuse has been happening worldwide for many years and still is. For this reason, the desire to prevent this issue can be realized through the aid of organizations such as CAPA (Child Abuse Prevention Association) as well as through theRead MoreThe Legal Repercussions Of Child Abuse1112 Words   |  5 PagesChild abuse. A term that most of us believe to be aware of, but one ought to wonder, are we really aware of it? how one recognises child abuse ?, What are the legal repercussions of child abuse ? How common is it in countries less developed? Is it common in the United States? Does it intervene with â€Å"old style† parenting? What entities provide such information? Well before answering any of this question is imperative to acknowledge the very basic of such topic. The webpage (a governmentalRead MoreChild Abuse and Sex Trafficking Essay1637 Words   |  7 Pagesto watch at same time. Other time was a small child walking to the bus stop with no people and a few blocks on a busy street and finally a man came up to her. That bothers me wondering he is a bad or good person which still haunts me. My problem is I have no cell phone to call or to take picture which is worth a thousand words that led me to wonder how common is child abuse, sex trafficking and what are we dealing with. It is a ongoing worldwide problem and very profitable for the crime organizationsRead MoreChild Victims of Domestic Violence1341 Words   |  6 PagesЕssay Child victims of domestic violence Family today are unfortunately less as a fundamental unit of a healthy society. Almost all countries in the world are faced with the inability to determine the number of victims of kriminalitetot, and especially when such women. According to UN studies, women are the most frequent victims of sexual violence (50%) attacks of personality (10%) and other attacks on property (10%). For nasilonichkiot kriminalitet family largely lacks

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Vessel by twenty one pilots free essay sample

You have most likely heard of the band, twenty one pilots (if not, you should definitely check them out), but what you probably do not know about them is that their songs have a lot of meaning hidden behind the upbeat piano and ukulele music. Besides being just plain good, the band creates music that gives people purpose when they feel like no one understands them. The duo from Ohio, Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, uses Christian themes to bring awareness to issues, like mental health, that are not commonly talked about. Their album, Vessel, released in 2013, specifically highlights these issues. Twenty one pilots creates music that bring awareness to a serious problem that not a lot of people know a lot about: mental illness. In the song, â€Å"Migraine,† Joseph clearly explains feeling alone in the struggle of dealing with depression. The chorus, â€Å"Am I the only one I know, waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?† shows that he feels like no one around him k nows what it is like to battle with your own thoughts. We will write a custom essay sample on Vessel by twenty one pilots or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, throughout the song, â€Å"Guns for Hands,† Joseph sings about suicide and how much it affects the people around you. He explains that his listeners, â€Å"all have guns, and [they] never put the safety on.† By this he means that the people listening are going through a hard time and, as a result, feel that life is not worth living. He then encourages his fans by saying, â€Å"don’t take it,† referring to their lives. The band lets their listeners know that they are not alone and that they should never feel like they are. The band takes their music a step further by encouraging fans to turn these haunting thoughts into something amazing: art. In the song â€Å"Kitchen Sink,† from an earlier album, Joseph tells his listeners, â€Å"write something, yeah it might be worthless paint something then, it might be wordless.† By being creative, he tells his fans that they will â€Å"see purpose start to surface.† Fans of twenty one pilo ts are constantly creating fan art and posting covers of the songs that helped them get through their hardships. This is just another aspect on the list of characteristics that make twenty one pilots such a unique and encouraging band. Aside from having an amazing message, the band creates music that is unlike anything you have ever heard. Their songs incorporate many different genres of music such as rap, alternative, and a little bit of rock. Also, each song has a different mood. Songs like â€Å"House of Gold† and â€Å"Fake you out† are upbeat and fun songs, despite their heavy lyrics. On the other hand, songs like â€Å"Truce† and â€Å"Trees† have a more calm tone. The band is constantly trying to create something new that their fans will enjoy. Mental illness is a serious issue that not a lot of people know what it is like to experience. one in ten people, however, are affected by this issue, so it is very important that twenty one pilots is bringi ng so much awareness to it. Along with acknowledging depression, Joseph uses his lyrics to remind people who are struggling with it to, â€Å"stay alive. It’s worth it, I promise†. Vessel by Twenty One Pilots free essay sample Twenty One Pilots has been gaining fame rapidly since the release of their latest album Blurryface. However, their popularity originally began to rise after the track â€Å"Car Radio† was launched from their third album Vessel. Lead singer Tyler Joseph takes you on an expedition through his unbalanced mind. Whilst on this journey, you’ll find that you may be able to relate to the metaphorical lyrics presented to you. Vessel gives the listener something a bit different, and cannot simply be categorized into one genre. Every song will have your brain scrambling, trying to find the deep meaning put into the beautifully strung together lyrics. Vessel opens up with an electropop track titled â€Å"Ode To Sleep,† one of my personal favorites. Tyler Joseph sings about his inability to calm himself mentally, and the â€Å"demons† that he suffers from. One of my favorite parts in this song is when Tyler sings â€Å"Take this weapon forged in darkness/Some see a pe n, I see a harpoon. We will write a custom essay sample on Vessel by Twenty One Pilots or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † This refers to him seeing his writing utensil as not a pen, but a weapon to overcome what he fears. The opening to the song has strong electronic influences, with a drum kit played by the band’s percussionist (Joshua Dun) and raw synth, thus creating a heavy environment. Overall, this track is a riveting way to open up the album, both lyrically and instrumentally. As we move further into Twenty One Pilots’ third album, we reach a track lacking in content as well as the band’s usual musical ability. The song â€Å"Trees† is a rather slow song, contrasting from the usual upbeat rhythm. It consists of very few lyrics, and is Vessel’s most definite low point. However, the remaining tracks on the album make up for it. Songs like â€Å"Car Radio,† and â€Å"Semi-Automatic† bring the album to a higher position. The two of these songs have an electronic sound that sounds spectacular when paired with Tyler Joseph’s rapping. Along with this, they also include lyrics that reach out to the listener and flow with the overall theme of Twenty One Pilots’ work. â€Å"We all have our masks that we wear.† is a quote Tyler Joseph presents us with when asked to sum up the concept of the album. With this line, he reminds his listeners that everyone has something to hide. Throughout Vessel, after every line sung or rapped, Tyler lowers a different mask, revealing the things that he hides. This is common in song writing, however Tyler goes about it a little differently. He does just about every acrobatic vocal possible, including rapping, screaming, and wailing. Although that may sound a bit unappealing to some, it is never overused. It simply gives the album a stronger sense of Tyler’s emotions. Tyler Joseph obviously brings his passionate feelings to the album, however percussionist Joshua Dun is the backbone, exhibiting creative beats that work smoothly together with Tyler’s singing as well as his rapping. Dun gives us a solid rhythm in â€Å"Guns for Hands† and â€Å"Holding Onto You,† tying everything together perfectly. Even in slower, less techno tracks such as â€Å"House of Gold,† you can hear Joshua’s steady beat behind the sound of Tyler’s ukulele. The use of the ukulele on the album is selective, and can be heard in â€Å"Screen† as well as the aforementioned â€Å"House Of Gold.† Vessel gives you a chance to see what’s under Tyler Joseph’s mask, and what Twenty One Pilots, as a whole, has stored away in their minds. Their mix of indie pop, alternative hip hop and electro pop creates their own genre, and never fails to leave listeners with an incredible outcome. Who knows, you may find something special underneath the mask that covers the broken minds of Twenty One Pilots. Bibliography Twenty One Pilots – Vessel Lyrics | Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016 Ragogna, Mike. Vessel: Chatting With Twenty One Pilots Tyler Joseph Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. Track-By-Track: Twenty One Pilots Vessel Blogs Rock N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct Twenty One Pilots Vessel (album Review ) | Sputnikmusic. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.